October Review

Dec 25, 2011 13:07

After regular visits to CDG (usually every two weeks after signing on) I went for a mock interview. This allowed me to experience an interview without the pressure of wanting to get the job. I wasn't able to prepare however as I didn't know what the job was for until I arrived!

Book Club this week was King of the Badgers by Philip Hensher, this wasn't very popular either and once again I was unable to finish. Even though I haven't been particularly good at completing the books I have enjoyed the discussion and have been able to contribute something.

Completed the second Business Administration module and passed the on-line test

Got my annual flu shot, and blood test at the doctors.

Completed the excel forms for the Sussex Oakleaf Finance Team and then started helping at The Yews with admin.

During Half Term completed last week of Job search & Interview skills and handed in course work.

The Renovation Worldcon Program book arrived in the post.

After working at The Yews, I went to Rewards office and collected my ITQ certificate.

cdg, itq, sussex oakleaf, business admin, book club

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