Aug 31, 2002 22:00
Went to work for a couple of hours today, sucked. Then I went ot Cat tales. That made my whole week. I got to help with Locks and waters checks and then feeding. I walked Carney Alley. That is the alley that runs all the lion and tiger cages. You have 600 pound carnivores on either side of you. It was great. I tried to deal with a heckler. Guy was standing off the property blowing a horn and yelling obscenities at the park during a tiger show. I went to shut him up. Did a decent job but left my customer service face at home. Ooops.
Anna is going to bring her son home with her. We are going to meet at Cat Tales and then have diiner. She was surprised that I didn't mind her son being there. OKay, cool.
Dinner: well, gotta use the ground beef so repeat of last night. No tater tots, just a hamburger with spicy steak rub, mmmmm.