These bright lights are always blinding me

Feb 01, 2008 14:30

I don't even know what to think of my life anymore.
I can't stand what I have become. A nobody.
I don't matter to any-goddamn-body.
I have slept more than 20 hours in the past 24 hour period.
I don't have anything to wake up for anymore.
When will things go my way? When will I get what I deserve?
Or is this constant heartache what I surely deserve?

I'm sick of crying.
Judge me, I don't care.
I don't care about anybody, don't ask me to hang out, because I will surely not show up.
Go about your lives without me, or just continue to do what you are doing now.

You say your life is nothing, then that must make me nothing as well.
How can I mean absolutely nothing to you?
Why am I always the last thing on your list of priorities?

You constantly think I am doing nothing but bragging about nothing, when your friends are fucking liars. They're manipulative into prying information from you.

I don't even know why I am posting into this piece of shit. All this thing does is cause drama.

Fights over this, and fights over that.

I'm tired of fighting for nothing.


That's all I am to you.

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