Reading sparks creativity

Nov 14, 2009 11:05

So, I should really be using this precious time to be writing. Instead, I've spent the morning doting upon my kitties and reading a fanfic. The sgabigbang fics have been posted, and courtesy of calcitrix ('cause of her awesome drawing ability), I went to the site and looked through the fics. Lots of Sheppard/McKay, one Weir/Sheppard (which I couldn't bring myself to read), a couple Carson/Teyla fics (which I never noticed the fan base before), and then the one that caught my attention. I curse myself for reading a 60+K page fic when I should be working on my on 50K nano.

Anyway, I couldn't resist and have no regrets. Through a Cracked Glass brought back to life Peter Grodin and it was a Peter/Elizabeth fic.

I still call myself a Sparky shipper, but I'm also a Peter/Elizabeth shipper, thus my love for season 1, SGA. Carson/Teyla, Rodney/Katie, and Radek/Jeannie round off the pairings with multiple cameos by beloved (and not so loved) SGA characters: Chuck - yay, Bates - surprising, the Genii and Kolya - oh yeah, Radek - weee, Carson - nice addition, Ronon - must have (ok, he's in most fanfics anyway but I still love him and sometimes will read Ronon/Elizabeth fics.:P) As much as I would have loved there to be more Peter and Elizabeth interaction, the story was not totally a romance but a parallel universe fic with all sorts of fun stuff thrown in to create an entertaining fic. I enjoyed the read and the spotlight on other characters.

While browsing LJ, I also found this book meme. Hey, I'm already procrastinating, might as well continue, right?

Take four books off your bookshelf.
- Write the first sentence
- Write the last sentence on page fifty
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
- Write the final sentence of the book
- Let your friends guess what book it is.

Book One
- Write the first sentence: There should have been a dark whisper in the wind.
- Write the last sentence on page fifty: Hoyt and Ken were large and grizzled and stone-faced, one a New York City cop, the other a federal agent, both war veterans with beefy flesh and large, undefined muscles.
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred: TJ was a hemophiliac.
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty: Elizabeth
- Write the final sentence of the book: And that, I knew, would always be enough.

Book Two
- Write the first sentence: "Well?" Deidre Canfield asked, as she mopped her dripping forehead and straightened the last picture.
- Write the last sentence on page fifty: Who is Deidre Canfield, and where did she come from?
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred: Frank jotted himself a note.
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty: At the time I was in her class, Miss Heard must have been only a few years older than her students, but she brooked no nonsense.
- Write the final sentence of the book: For the first time ever, I just lay back and enjoyed it.

Book Three
- Write the first sentence: My name is Temperance Deassee Brennan.
- Write the last sentence on page fifty: And immediately hit pay dirt.
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred: At the time we'd thought the pun Groucho Marx clever.
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty: "No."
- Write the final sentence of the book: No way of knowing which hound will hunt.
All right, you know this is a Temperance Brennan book, but which one?

Book Four
- Write the first sentence: Teresa Farr never knew exactly what awakened her that warm late April night.
- Write the last sentence on page fifty: So, she would not call the police, Teresa decided.
- Write the second sentence on page one hundred: She just took in Marielle because Hugh paid her.
- Write the next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty: "When he was in nursery school - "
- Write the final sentence of the book: "Yes, I guess I really do."

Have some fun.

Besides writing every night (or researching Latin dances and dance clothing the last two nights *shakes fists at the muse*), work has kept me stressed and real life is ugly. 'Nuff said.

Time to change the laundry and stop procrastinating. My characters need to get dancing.

writing, fanfic, reading, nanowrimo, sga, meme, books

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