A cold start to a long week

Nov 17, 2008 19:15

I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. I'm having my parents to my house for Thanksgiving again this year. I do have the turkey, so I'm one step ahead of where I was last year at this time.

Everyone has been talking about Christmas, but I'm not feeling any holiday joy. None. It's early, right? I have time to find the spirit. *hunts for it*

I've had some bad dreams lately, but I think I'll do a separate post about them. It might be linked to my missing Christmas spirit.

Fringe last week was awesome. I had forgotten how much I missed the show. All the characters were great and interacted with each other. Charlie was only in one scene, but the Charlie-lover in me was happy. And, unlike most of the Fringe community, I like Lucas and didn't mind at all the smooching that he and Olivia did. I'm still very much pro-Olivia/Peter but that's not going to happen real soon and Lucas/Billy Burke is not bad looking, imho. Somehow though, I got the feeling he was a little mysterious and may be part of the baddie's but I hope not. Maybe he is but doesn't know it, or maybe JJ is just really weaving his intricate plot. I loved Walter wanting mints and gum. Astrid was made of win when she discovered the CODE. I did feel for Peter and just melted when he called Walter, Daddy. The ending had a definite creepiness factor that appealed to me.

I'm current on Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, but behind on all other shows: True Blood, Bones, and SVU. I gave up even attempting to watch Sanctuary. I'll rent it from Netflix. Right now, Fringe gives me the sci-fi that I want.

Below is my word count for my NaNoWriMo novel. I'm tickled pink. *G* I won't be done when I hit the magic number so I'm actually aiming for 75K. We'll see.

45,338 / 50,000

Okay, time for me to dive back into my novel. Not sure how much headway I'll make tonight. My brain is toast from today's craziness at work but I'll attempt something.

Have a great week everyone.

fringe, writing, nanowrimo, holidays, work

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