Flowers for you

May 31, 2006 19:55

This is my miniature Lilac bush. It should stay small, about 5'. It had the most wonderful scent this year.

This is the Vinca jungle that creeps along the house beside the sidewalk. It has free reign as long as it stays on its side of the sidewalk. It did choke out my Hosta, I think, but it is beautiful and if I let it get out of hand, it'll have runners that are 10 feet long. The little purple flowers only bloom in the spring.

For some reason, all of my yellow Irises were on the ground. We had lots of wind when they were ready to bloom and I think the wind knocked them down. As you can see though, they still bloomed and looked lovely.

I love this Iris. It only has one or two flowers a season but the color is well worth it. You can see a tiny light purple Iris ready to bloom also.

These last two Iris pictures were taken at dusk. I took a picture with the two of them together, but I thought the individual pictures did the beautiful flower more justice, not to mention the deep, velvety color of the purple one.

Sadly, my multi-colored yellow/red didn't do well this year.

picspam, flowers

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