No Fooling

Apr 02, 2006 10:51

Not much going on in my life besides work. I logged over 70 hours last week. No wonder I'm tired. I need to get busy doing laundry and housework because I may have to pop into work later this afternoon. If I don't go to work, I'll be able to read. I can't wait to finish my book. It is wonderful.

I had a killer headache on Friday, which was attempting to turn into a migraine, but finally the storms passed and the Tylenols and Aleves kicked in. The weather never used to bother my sinuses, but recently it has not been a friend to them.

I think I have all the clocks changed, except for the one in my car and two that I need to find the directions of how to change the time. Pain in the butt! All last week, I'd look outside and think, next week at this time it will be an hour later. It kind of bummed me out, because I don't mind getting up when the sun it up. It gives me energy. This is the first time that I've had to adjust to Daylight Savings Time. Joy! (grumble mumble)

I need to check on my flowers. Some of my hyacinths were thinking about opening last weekend so they just may be open now. I'd love to bring some fresh flowers into the house. My daffodils still look nice, and it will be a while before my tulips bloom. I'm happy that my crocuses are still blooming. This is the longest for them. Normally, they bloom and then are gone, either because of Mother Nature or because of those rascally rabbits, who eat them.

I took some quizzes that I've been collecting over the week.

You Are a Jam Cookie

On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe.
But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor.
What Kind of Cookie Are You?

Surprise! This one took me by sheer surprise. I thought I'd be the traditional and conservative Chocolate Chip Cookie.

You Should Be a Romance Novelist

You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart.
You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer...
And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories.
As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it.
What Type of Writer Should You Be?

Awwww…now if I only had the time and knew whom my muse was visiting. She isn't here; although, I think she phoned the other day. I had this urge to write something, but then it went away after a few minutes.

People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.
What Do People Envy About You?

I'm not sure that people envy anything about me, but the blogthings knows all.

rl, time change, headache, work, flowers, quizzes

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