Its been a pretty productive and unproductive 2 days...
Since yesterday was President's Day I went over to my friend's house and watch Arashi videos all day. (nevermind that we watched the first 4 episodes of "Tokyo Dogs" too because Oguri Shun is Arashi's 6th member right? XD)
Anyways, almost the whole time i was there i was still chatting with Jenny (
hsj_is_love_17 ) on AIM and flailing about JE in general and eventually Kisumai cuz of the cool people we are. 8D and like always, when we flail about Kisumai we end up flailing about Mitsu, Taipi, and Nika which somehow always turns into flails about HiroSuke and NiSen.... and yesterday ended up being a "flail about Hasshi's sexy pic in the March issue of Wink Up because he looks like a man even though age wise he's not yet and doesn't make us feel like pedophiles looking at him shirtless like HSJ does" day, so somehow the flailing was about HiroSuke, NiSen, and Hasshi which somehow lead to me going "OMG SOMEONE SHOULD WRITE THAT!!!" thus I started writing my first fic.... on aim... on my phone... while watching "Tokyo Dogs"... In our defense though, the fic turned out nothing like what we were talking about that lead to it.. =.= and somehow, even though we
All flailing aside, i finished my 3,719 word fic in a 24 hour time period... which is an accomplishment for me. (if you want to read go to the the
kis_my_ft2 comm or the
jent_fanfics comm because as of right now im not posting it here... maybe later...) hopefully it goes over well... as of right now i know i have one read cuz theres 1 comment... =.=
so that was me being productive... unproductive is that as i write this right now i should be studying for my Hawaiian Studies midterm tomorrow instead of writing this post... I had all weekend but being the procrastinator of schoolwork I am, I started today... I even skipped dance to study but im getting nowhere... blah...
i want to write about "Dream Boys" 2006 since i just watched it the other day but I guess that can wait until later... back to studying...