so its getting a little late here... its 12:45 a.m. and i have to wake up early so i should be asleep already since witch Shounen Club and reading various fanfics have been keeping me up for the past few weeks but i just HAD to work on my wall for a bit!
so far its only the Kisumai stuff that is from japan and aside from those 3 items (the uchiwa, poster and... what would you call that??? a pic?) everything is all Arashi that i bought a while ago and it was just sitting in a pile in my room...
i still have 2 Sakurai Sho and 1 Arashi group posters that i want to laminate first along with all my magazine poster pin-ups and the photos i bought in japan. >.<
oh and Jenny, (
hsj_is_love_17 ) remember when i said i have Kitamitsu on my ceiling? well here he is!
so there is a lot of unnecessary space and a computer screen glare in this pic but i am too lazy to take another one... lol.
i am content for tonight. ^^