Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 ... and color-blindness?

Aug 27, 2014 16:33

I have never suspected that I might be green-blue color-blind, but the new DNS 13 system may change my mind.

You see, DNS 12 had a simple system for letting you know what state it was in. If the icon was green, with the microphone standing up, it was recording -- transcribing speech to text. If the icon was yellow, with the microphone leaning at about 45 degrees, it was asleep -- listening, but not transcribing (and yes, you said "Wake Up" to get it running again). Finally, if the icon was red, with the microphone laying down, then the microphone was off, and DNS 13 was just idling in the background.

Simple, right? The colors -- green, yellow, red -- were easy to identify, and visually different to me. The microphone movement, from upright through leaning to laying down, also was nicely calculated to catch your eye and let you know immediately what state it is in.

For whatever reason, DNS 13 changed this. First of all, no matter what state it is in, the microphone is just standing up. But, what makes it worse, the red is now more orange, and sleeping is a light blue, while working is a light green. Close enough in tone and color that I have to look twice to see which it is.

I know, I should keep track in my head. But sometimes, being able to just glance at the icon and see whether or not DNS is taking dictation was helpful.

Now, not so helpful. In fact, downright irritating. Green-yellow-red, we all know from traffic signals. Green-blue-orange? Well... who comes up with these things, anyway?
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