May 29, 2005 11:19
Time for an Update!!!
* Graduation*- I am done highschool!! Unfortuantely, it was held inside because of the rain.. the second time in 150 years! yikes!! that was rather upsetting, but then it cleared up so we could take pictures outside after..:-) then i went out with my family and grandma to the macaroni grill which i didn't like as much as thought but its all good been getting some presents so that's always fun :-)
* I'm glad it's summer.. Yes i need to get a job and start crackin on college things.. but its still fun.. last night kate and I went to chillis and then met ash at the movies to see the longest yard.. it was funny.. i liked it! and pretty soon we have to go to ash's birthday movie and she picked madagascar.. i'm excited for that
* I'm really sad beatuy and the beast is sold out.. I really wanted to go see Jacqui and Katherine and Rachel! :-(
* So this past week I got over my fears and auditioned for two shows! Grease and Fame! Grease went ok.. I sang fine and then danced.. and it was soo easy! but I don't think I'll get in because other people just did better.. but yesterday I audtioned for Fame.. and i thought it went horrible and was sooo uspet becasue when it was time to sing.. the pianist couldn't figure out how to work the boombox so he was like i know I got Rythem. I'll just play it for you.. which was very nice of him.. But I got flustered cuz it was different and it sounded horrible!! i was reallly bummed but today i found out i'm a dancer in the ensemble!!!!!!! AH!!!!!! I am soo excited!! I hear back from Grease at the end of this week.. and I don't think there is a way for me to do both.. so if i get in i'll have to decide.. but I just loved the dancing for fame soo much!! so my decision is like made! :-)
I'm going to see Fame at Northshore this week!! i'm pumped for that.. ahh i'm doing Fame this summer!!! :-D
thanks for helping me with audtiton stuff holly!!!! :-)
alright well I'm off!! happpy summer! :-)