Feb 10, 2010 15:24
Although I knew that my company’s investors had their fingers on the trigger to pull funding it still came as a shock to learn today that we only have $300,000 to tie us over until our next revenue projects comes online. In other words there is a greater than 50% chance that in 8 weeks the place may get shut down.
Muscle memory and vision quest demands already had me into hunting motion (Copenhagen, Mergers & Acquisition crash course).
I wish I could say that my vision quest had evolved out of clear vision and extraordinary discipline where I could go from one evolutionary step smoothly into the next. The reality is that more often than not my biggest steps have been made with a gun pointed to my head.
Note to universe: Could you find a different way to encourage me to move forward? Must I for instance loose both parents due to lack of health care to get super focused on what I have to do in order that this never happens again to a loved one?
The reality is that even if the trip to NC on the 27th can open the biggest opportunity of the last 47 generations that I had not been strictly following the 7-Midnight 5 hour regiment to successfully do the crash course. Now that the gun to the head is official, I guess I am strictly following crash course starting tonight.
I am sincerely hoping that even though this is personally stressful that I can indeed make the smooth stepping up without putting my immediate family through the stress of it all as they tend to take it harder than I do.
Despite all the above still need to find a way to get mini breaks and play with abandon and for a moment not have a care in the world while in pure bliss. Be it in Maryland, Bora Bora or the Bahamas.