It's best not to check river flow rates when storms are moving through the area. I keep seeing spikes and getting all excited. But really, it's been so dry that the spikes are something like a river going from 30 cfs to 100. Not terribly helpful.
But I did have a thought for our kayak trip - we could paddle the Colorado below Austin. I understand it's pretty slow-moving there, but at least it's somewhere we haven't been (I've never paddled there either) and there's plenty of water.
Some links:
An outfitter that does rentals for the section near Bastrop place near Weberville that rents on that section of the river (a little closer to town) of the river (this is an awesome site in general for all Texas rivers) Also, this isn't terribly exciting, but if anyone is up for a Town Lake paddle, the Austin Kayak Meetup is going at 11am this Saturday. In my attempts to meet more kayakers, I'm going, so if anyone else wants to come along.... :)