Birth Annoucement

Dec 16, 2006 18:41

Alexander Iain was born at 12.02am on 7th December by c-section due to non-progression of labour because of fetal obstruction [1].

He weighed 7lbs3oz at birth and has already put on over 1.5 ounces thanks to boob juice! I think he's absolutely gorgeous but then I'm baised ;)

Pictures of the little bundle

[1] My waters ruptured spontaneously at 42 weeks but I didn't have sustained contractions so eventually I tried both prostglandin pessaries and a hormone drip to get things going. He was both in the posterior position and too large for my pelvis and just wasn't able to descend thus stopping my uterine muscles from working in co-ordination so after 11 hours on a drip to encourage contractions I had only dilated an extra centimetre to 2 cm.
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