Hopefully you'll get a good picture next time. That's a bummer. But it's so great that everything is going good. Isn't it wonderful to have your worries pushed aside when the doc says that things look great? ahhh
I just got the hear my baby's heartbeat last Thursday and tomorrow I get to have an ultrasound and see the baby. I'm so excited. I'm 13 weeks today. I even get to bring a blank vhs and they will record it for me. YAY!
I just got the hear my baby's heartbeat last Thursday and tomorrow I get to have an ultrasound and see the baby. I'm so excited. I'm 13 weeks today. I even get to bring a blank vhs and they will record it for me. YAY!
But of course then we look for the next one. lol
Because we worry like freaks. ha
Ok now that I heard the heartbeat I feel better but now I'll feel even better once I actually see the baby in the ultrasound...etc.
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