Nov 09, 2007 23:15


Submissions for Round 08 are now officially closed.

This is the voting/critique post for the JUNIOR LEAGUE. For the Senior League post, please go here.

Out of only five participants remaining, everyone submitted! So we have a total of five icons. :3

Voting and critiques aren't obligatory, but HIGHLY recommended and very appreciated by all the juniors. :3


- Do not vote for yourself or critique your own icons, do not create duplicate accounts to vote/critique yourself, or tell people which is your icon and ask them to critique it.

- Only one vote/set of crits per person.

- Every vote must be fully critiqued. This means you must have the minimum number of critiques for the round in your vote (more are allowed and encouraged). Votes with less critiques than the required minimum will be discarded.

- You may leave general critiques to icons without voting for them. These comments will not count for tallying, but they'll be handed out to the iconmakers with their critiques.

- You may split your votes - leave some votes now, some later - but your vote will only be counted when it has the minimum amount of votes necessary for the round.

- Be fair in your critiques. Focus on the icon's aesthetic qualities rather than your personal preferences. Be polite. Be helpful - don't just point out that something sucks, try to suggest how to improve it if at all possible. Harsh or unhelpful votes (i.e. "this is ugly" or "the colors are kinda odd") will be discarded.

- Make sure you've picked the right numbers for your votes! The number of the icon is above it on the voting table. We'll try to check every vote to make sure it matches the icon, but please be careful!

- You do not need to be a participating member to vote or leave crits. Anyone can vote, so please vote and encourage others to do the same!


- Votes with critiques must be submitted to this post.

- You must pick a minimum of one and a maximum of two overall favorite icons. General critiques are optional, but appreciated; there's no limit for the number of general critiques.

- You must pick at least one favorite or your vote will not be counted.

- Critique order does not matter.

Submit your votes/critiques as such:


[#099] - This icon incorporated the theme quite well! I love the crop, and how the colors were enhanced from the original image. The composition isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. I really like the choice of image and how it matches the theme. Excellent job!
[OPTIONAL] [#100] - [mandatory crit]


[OPTIONAL] [#102] - This icon seems a little lacking - there's too much negative space. Maybe a brush or a texture to help fill it up would help your composition. I do like the border; it pulls the icon together. The text is appropriately placed but the anti-aliasing is odd, it looks a little sharp. I have no negative comments about the crop: it's not an amazing crop, but it does its job pretty well. Overall, it's not a bad icon, it just could use a little more work!
[OPTIONAL] [#103] - [crit]

keep adding to critique more icons.

Alternatively you can use this template (replace 'xx' with the icon numbers):

[#xx] crit
[OPTIONAL] [#xx] crit


[OPTIONAL] [#xx] crit
[OPTIONAL] [#xx] crit

And without further ado, on to the icons! Please remember to pick a minimum of one and a maximum of two favorites.

Voting/Critiques: THE (INVERTED) MIRROR

For this round, participants had to make an icon of their avatar picture, with an inverted crop.


characters/series featured in icons are... their avatars. no, really.

Voting closes on Sunday, November 11th, at 9:00PM Brazil time (GMT -3:00, Monday midnight UTC; convert to your local time using the world clock.)

Votes submitted after the closing will not be counted.

Good luck to all the participants and happy voting!

Please remember to ask any questions you might have, and read the rules carefully. If anything is unclear, ask and we'll try to clarify.

challenge 2, voting, junior league, round 09

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