"she fuckin hates me" --- Puddle of Mud?

Nov 24, 2003 18:54

haha- my day is omplete- this is what i needed... seriously... i would have fallen back into the venus fly trap again if it wasn't for this- hank you God. I really don't care... i know that i had my big provlamation- i said it was inexusable, that i was done... so what if he had kisse dme today?? I probably would have ley him.... but oh no sir... elizabeth- bring it one- call what's his face- let's go out friday... i don't give a care- here: for you're viewing pleasure... take this----->>>>

Jword05: i'm scared to look at my SAT scored form last sat
Jword05: i got an e-mail sayiong my score was in
Jword05: ok- here i go
Jword05: dang it i got lower- who does that?!?!
EDD101085: people
Jword05: ha- yeah retarded ones like me
EDD101085: yup
Jword05: wow- not the right answer lol- so are you sure you're feeling ok? you seem weird
EDD101085: im fine i was kiddin
Jword05: yeah- so i have a question for you ready?
EDD101085: yeah
Jword05: ok so i know this is random but what r u doin 2morw?
EDD101085: i have no idea i havent really thought about it
EDD101085: i know that theres some crap i have to do after school
Jword05: ok- well i have to stay after too- but i am considering takin the tuesday SAT prep course b/c not many people will be at the wednesday one... so i would have to grab some dinner btwn after school and the class (at 6) so i thought we could go to the landing or something- rather than me go by myself or something- and since we just talked about doing something yesterday... i wanted to propose this to you
EDD101085: nah, i dont think so
Jword05: i don't think so what?
EDD101085: i dont want to hang out
Jword05: you're full of shit (excuse my french)
Jword05: and why do you say this?
EDD101085: because i just dont want to
Jword05: ok cut the crap- really... why do you say this (even tho you MUST be kidding me)
EDD101085: i really dont want to
Jword05: and y don't you want to? may i ask...
Jword05: haha- something must have happened btwn last night and now... please,..... do tell... what is your mind thinking right now?
Jword05: c'mon eric... talk to me....
Jword05: hello? this ignoring bit does not work for you.... it's not your style... really, what's going on??
Jword05: ok so are you trying to rouse my intuition again? or are you seriously just in a bad mood- because i would understand that... but it's not like you to just stopo talking... just say something that way i will stop IMing you wondering what the heck is going on
EDD101085: there are some things that i just can't get over that are interfering in any possible relationship between us
Jword05: ok who's talkin about a relationship? and can you please tell me what they are just for my FYI b/c leaving them unsaid will amount to nothing
Jword05: so lets talk please
Jword05: because obviously e meant a lot to eachother, and i'm not saying that i want a telationship with you more than friendship b/c i'm not sure thati do right now.... but seriously, if there's a problem we should get it out in the open, i doubt anything can make me upset at you right now... i'm pretty ready for anything you would tell me
Jword05: so bring it on- keeping it in will not help matters
EDD101085: its nothing with me
EDD101085: its kinda only you
Jword05: ok so shoot
Jword05: the lines are open- just say whatever you are thinking
EDD101085: jess, you need to move on because im going to go away to college next year and i am going to do things that you dont agree with, infact i still have done things you dont agree with, i just haven't told you about them. Id rather not go into that but its a fact. And also some of your mannerisms run my nerves to their ends. Being loud, yeah its ok sometimes, but all the time it gets annoying. The lack of self esteem and always running to me for comfort, yes i know that everyone needs comfort but there are more than one source and you have no reason not to have really good self esteem. And I just dont think that my feelings are true anymore and there is someone else out there that will make you happy and will treat you better than i will and you deserve the best
Jword05: well it's funny because i haven't thought about persueing you or "us" since the not remembering Winter Formal thing... seriously... like ask my friends, there was a big proclamation and everything- like a chapter over with... but honestly i don't think that means we still can't be friends... lik plus we have some of the same friends anyways... and if you are talking about what we wewre talking about last night i was totally not expecting it to happen... seriously... lol.... i was JK... like if you tired to
Jword05: kiss me i probably would have recoiled anyways
Jword05: sorry that i don't jhave the priveledge to really goos friends. you know i never have, and just because you have been blessed with that doesn't mean everyoone else has that luxury
Jword05: so yes, i do depend on you, sorry if you make me happy, sorry if seeing you gives me joy, SORRY IF WE HAVE LOTS IN COMMEN AND WE GET ALONG... do you want me to f-in apologize for liking the same music as you?? do you want me to take back all the times that brought us together, your psychologist times, my dad almost hitting me, all thos emoments where we have been there for eachother??
EDD101085: did i say that?
EDD101085: no
EDD101085: i was saying that you need more than one person especially since i wont be here soon
Jword05: seriously- because if you can't handle us being friends- if you are so free with saying I love you that just last night you said it and now, les sthan 24 hours later you say otherwise, then maybe it is better if we just part, permenantly,
EDD101085: ok
Jword05: eric- how can you be so selfish
EDD101085: selfish?
EDD101085: im not trying to be selfish, im trying to do what i feeel
EDD101085: because letting it go on like it has been wasn't working for me
Jword05: you aren't trying to helpo me... you aren't trying to reassure me or comfort me... in fact, you have caused me more mental anguish than has been really worth and i don't know that i even like who you are anymore
EDD101085: im sorry
Jword05: YOU friggen are the one who FUCKIN BROKE MY HEART and you want to tell me it hasn't been "working for you"??
Jword05: ok i htink i have been nothing but understanding to you and i need some comfort at a time when i feel in over my head and you tewll me to move on?? to rely on someone else??
Jword05: don't freeakin apologize- that means nothing to me coming from you anymore
Jword05: so what are you oging to say now eric? hum?? c'mon- you're the one who has that knack for words- what does the wise man have to say about this now??
Jword05: is this how you want it??
Jword05: is this how you want to go off to college and leave it??
EDD101085: fine with me
Jword05: please- was it not you who just a few days ago wa slike "you're coming to prom with me" and i was like "you keep thinking that
Auto response from EDD101085: I am not available because I am playing a computer game that takes up the whole screen.
Jword05: please, tell me if that's not me getting "over it" and you still coming back?!?

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