Whose life is this anyway??

Jul 28, 2017 15:37

He says the reason I have not gotten a new job yet is because he hasn’t been pressuring/helping me do it because he likes me working for the state and the idea of student loan forgiveness…
He pointed out that all the major decisions in my life for the last 15 years have been initiated by him basically…

More proof that I need to start making my own decisions and doing what is right for me!


Last night I made a cover letter, completed the application, and wrote a 1 page essay on domestic abuse. Today I got the okay from my last reference, so I think I'll submit it all tonight!

Even though... Jan told me last night he would prefer I find something closer to Columbus and something that pays better... aye, aye, aye!!!

One of the questions on the application after gender, nationality etc was if I am or have been a victim of domestic abuse.. I'm not sure how to answer that... As of now I have NO checked. But right now I feel like he's been/being mentally abusive towards me (also pointed out by my therapist..) AND he did break my nose years ago... Is this enough to check the box??

Words I found that someone else wrote about him...

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