This has spiraled so far out of control, I don't know if I'm up or down.
First of all, I don't want anyone hating on
feffu_cat . I am touched/surprised by the sudden rushing to my defense, but I don't think she's done anything wrong. I wasn't thrown out the door, or kicked out on my ass. I'm leaving. That's it. My boxes aren't on the lawn, the locks haven't been changed. I'm leaving. And really, it's of my own free will because this stuff if just not worth fighting over.
And this isn't about Hot Pockets XD That was something I misunderstood. Apparently this has all been going on for sometime now, and that was just the line in the sand. So, stop making comments about that please, you guys XD
Somehow, this has gone from lying to insulting intelligence to going out of my way to slander someone's name and ruin their reputation. This is not the case. Anywhere in all of this. I strongly believe that any of this wouldn't have happened if she didn't think I wronged her and so badly. She's not crazy or cruel. Occasionally a little vengeful, but that's it. She's not a bad person, and I don't want anyone treating her as such. I never posted anything saying I wished ill things on her and wanted others to do that same.That's not what I want at all. She's pretty and talented, smart, funny and really cool. I don't want her reputation suffering over this. It doesn't deserve to suffer over this.
My parents originally said 'tough shit', but it was actually my step parents (well, step-mom and soon to be ex step-dad) who rallied for my cause, and insisted that they open their doors for me. I'll be moving into my dad's house since my step-sister Steph (the entire reason i couldn't live there before) has gotten married and moved to Montana o_O As long as she's gone, I guess XD
Unfortunately, I don't believe there's any way to clear my name. While the lot of things I'm being accused of lying about can't be proven, I can't prove that I didn't lie, either. So in that sense, I'll always have questionable guilt. And I say that because I don't feel like arguing anymore. I'm leaving, I'm going away. I don't see the need to continue on. View it as a retreat or whatever. I just know I'm going home and I'm glad. At this point, this... thing, this situation just feels like wanking, and I don't paticularley care for wanking. I won't participate anymore. Having some kind of war over LiveJournal is just 'bwah?' This is sucking up all my energy, I don't care anymore.
So here's the deal, banana peels. Stay if you like, defriend me if you want. I don't feel like defending myself anymore. Either you think I'm a royal liar, or you don't. I do know that my journal's not gonna be about my life anymore. just fandom. Apparently personal posts cause only chaos. Most of you have my IM addresses. If you wanna know what's going up in my day-to-day, hit me up there.
In short, leave Feffu alone please. It doesn't have to be her problem anymore. I'm removing myself from this entire thing, and if that's not good enough, that's just too bad.
feffu_catThat's it. That's all I got. See you around, or I won't.