(no subject)

Feb 19, 2007 19:51

I just realized that I haven't posted on this thing since like November, which is too long considering that I used to write in this thing every day.

Anywho...things are going pretty well for me right now. This semester has been the most chill semester so far academically, with a few stressful moments, but being in college I'm supposed to, right? My MPR is right around the corner, which is terrifying, but at the same time, it's exciting because next year (if I pass), I'll hopefully have hour lessons and be one of the older ones with more responsibility and will be taken more seriously as a vocalist/future music educator. The whole time that I've been here I've felt like I've just been trying to get the professors to like me and take me seriously and get on their good side and all that shit, but after my MPR, they'll understand that I'm a permanent fixture here and will give me more opportunities to perform and teach. I'm really trying to get my shit together this semester, I feel that, for the first time, I'm doing this completely on my own and getting more motivated, which is very much a relief. But I really think that I'm meant to do this and I get excited just thinking about my career and where I could go. *sigh*

After the whole housing fiasco at the beginning of the semster which made all of us kind of on edge for a few weeks, our living situation has definitely changed for the better, and it definitely woke us up and made us realize that we should get our act together. We aren't perfect, but we're definitely trying. The price you pay for living with 2 of your best friends who can be as unorganized and messy as you. :)

I'm definitely excited for spring break. It couldn't have come at a better time. I'm kind of bored with school right now, but I think that after break we'll all come back feeling a little bit better. It's so scary how fast time goes here though. I'm still not halfway through college, but it seems like last week I was just getting here. It's crazy, but it's always fun. But in April, some very, very important people will be leaving me, going out into the real world, and pursuing their careers wherever they choose to go. It's so scary, because it's not like high school where you know that you will see your friends again because your parents all still live in your hometown and all of your friends will come home on breaks and everything. But when your friends graduate college, it's a little more challenging to stay in touch. They may move to a different state and start their life there and there is a much larger chance that you may never see them ever again. Which is terrifying to me considering Catherine, Kate, Angela, Kelsey, etc., ect. have meant SOO much to me over the past 2 years. It will be hard not calling them and asking them to play and they will show up at my door in 10 minutes. It's one of those times that I will never get back, and I think I will definitely have a hard time with it. It's so weird how close you can get to someone in such a short amount of time, and when you think you can live like this forever, they leave, and nothing will be the same again. I want these moments to last forever, but I guess it's just one of those things that life gives us. I wouldn't be the same person without them in my life, and I guess when fate decides that they are done playing with me, then they leave. I know I'm probably going to keep in touch with most of them in some way or another, it's just not the same. I guess I'm going to have to find my own freshman to corrupt...

In other news JUSTIN IS 21!!! Which means a kick ass summer for me and all involved....fuck yeah!!

Anyway, I guess that's all I can do today...maybe I'll post again soon. Maybe not. Who knows.

Time to go write a 20 or so measure peice....damn.

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