(no subject)

Jun 19, 2006 00:39

I've come to the point in the summer when I start to feel that I've been out of school for too long. I feel that I haven't been intellectually stimulated and that I haven't had to actually challenge my brain in a long time. So basically I just feel dumber and everything I learned last year has been erased and when I finally go back to school in the fall I won't know a secondary dominant from a 6/4 cadential chord progression...or something like that...see i'm getting more stupid by the second!! I just REALLY miss school! I miss the PAC and all the crazy fun people that inhabit it!! I like lists so i'm going to make a list of most of my favs and list why i miss them. Call me lame, but it's late and i want to.

Kait-I miss this badass and being crazy and doing random shit together. And our talks in the bathroom when we're drunk into the wee hours of the morning.
Steph- I miss her calls at 11:30 at night saying that she's coming to pick me up so we can go dick around, mess with Catherine, and other crazy shit!
Angela- This fucking crazy bitch! The crazy shit we do blows my mind!! Wearing onsies to school, pudding wrestling, crash dieting, chocolate fights in her kitchen, ect. ect.
Catherine-I miss my big sis!! Giving me advice with everything and our crazy drunken convos!
Kate aka Aristotle- My other big sis!! For being so cool and teaching me her ways so one day I can maybe be as cool as her! And giving me so much advice about everything and i miss our many walks on the track and our ab workouts.
Juan- I miss my Johnny!! And the way he calls everything a piece of shit! And i miss his ass in his tight jeans!
Todd- I miss my offical boob grabber and the guy that will never hesitate to tell me that I look like shit. And everyone one campus hates us...and i miss that. Chochkie!!
Megan- My crazy rockstar partner!! I miss our nomading ways every weekend!! Dorms are just for storing our stuff!!
Jeff- Going to Fresh in the early afternoon and singing and dancing to Millie and other musicals all the time. And I miss going to Diversions with him.
Robyn- I miss this crazy ho!! My ADD buddy and my partner in all things crazy that goes on in and out of the PAC. I miss our good times in pretty much every class together... which was like 6 of the 9 classes.
Laura- My BFS4L, my partner in crime, and my best friend during the school year. I miss her knowing exactly what I'm thinking when something comes up. I talk to this ho everyday but it's not the same as actually seeing her. The future holds many a good time for us. And now I know that there's no way I can get rid of her...hahaha!! :)

There are still like 50 more people I could talk about, but i know no one really wants to read that. But there are so many people at GV that make me feel so special and loved and they really have made a difference in my life. I really miss the whole atmosphere out there and all the support from everyone.

Frank left today. Which really sucks big time. I love that kid to death and even with all of his "social engagements" he always has time to hang out with me. And now that he's gone, my summer has kind of a big Frankless hole in it, which I'm not used to at all. WOMP!

Shannon and Cori are coming to visit me tomorrow! hooray! They have been out of my life for so long and it's very refreshing to see them come back into it. I know they have always been there for me and always will...no questions asked.

So this entry got really cheesy really fast. My apologies. I guess I'm in one of those moods.

Pzoot. love. love.
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