
Aug 28, 2010 19:12

Please Read. I have also seen some coverage on CNN during breaks at work. My rational mind keeps saying, "How can anyone take this whackadoodle seriously, but they do.


Also this:

(Begin quote:)

Right Wing Watch has been watching the recent morphing of Glenn Beck from political hatchet man into messianic religious figure. That self-transformation continued at America’s Divine Destiny, the Friday night warm-up to Beck’s Lincoln Memorial rally. The three-hour program at the Kennedy Center for the Arts combined gospel music, patriotic songs, and speeches about the need for spiritual renewal in America.

It is impossible to overstate Beck’s assessment of the importance of his events. Toward the beginning of Divine Destiny, he stated , “this is the beginning of the end of darkness. We have been in darkness a long time.” Saturday’s rally, he said, would be a “defibrillator to the spiritual heart of America.” Near the end of the program, he emphatically declared, “We are 12 hours away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. It has nothing to do with this city or politics, it has everything to do with God Almighty.”

(End quote)

The whole post can be seen here: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/glenn-beck-and-god-are-ready-rock

I have heard/watched this guy, and part of me thought (at the time) he was a performance artist, doing what Stephen Colbert does, in a more sneaky way (cuz he wants the moneyz) but all this anti-American shit is over the top. It would be grand to be a joke in the end, but I fear too many Americans take this seriously.

I said it before and I'll say it again. This is what happens when you don't teach science in schools. This is what happens when history and critical thinking is not taught, when superstition is given equal credence to wishful thinking. This is what happens when horoscopes get column space in papers, but science does not. This is what happens when so-called people of fail (faith I meant to type, but the typo stays) get involved in politics and how this country (and the world, for that matter, is run).

Glen Beck started out as an unpopular 'Top 40' DJ, and did what he had to do to keep working in the field. Latching on to hate and uneducated people is easy. Getting someone mad about losing their job is easy; blame it on outsourcing, blame it on immigrants, blame it on the old Us-vs-Them argument...you get listeners, because people are angry and suffering.

Steer your blame towards who really cause your suffering.

Steer your blame to the CAUSE.

Jobs have been cut, because there are others to do what you do cheaper and put more coin in the pocket of management (meaning share holders as well). The people doing what you once did are doing it poorly; Dell is a great example. Once they were known for their customer service, but no longer.

The Big Boys don't care, as long as there are sales, and their Product moves.

You don't have the luxury to buy American (or whatever country you are in) made goods, because they they are too expensive, but you need pants. You need shirts, socks, shoes...and you have to buy them.

You also need to eat. You are so tired after your two or three jobs that you collapse on your sofa, and heat a packaged meal made with shit food and high fructose corn syrup then go to bed, after watching assholes like Beck and dumb shows...

...just to get up and do it again.

Once upon a time, it was anti-war with me. Now it is we have to make sure The Idea of Freedom ( as the Founders framed it and the kind of Freedom we all deserve as Americans, no, Humans) gets to prevail.

Let's get clear here. It is not Right against Left, It is not Conservative against Liberal, it is the Minuscule Super Rich against the Working Class, You and Me with our jobs just trying to have a nice life.
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