Well she came in with a broken wing and showing favor of her right foot and not putting weight on her left. I did her in-take last night and got her settled in and some fluids going and wrapped the broken wing.
Today i took her in for an x-ray, not only was her wing broken, the vet found via x-ray her torso had multiple pellets lodged in it from a pellet gun.
None of which were in an area that would hinder her in the future so we decided against surgery to remove them as birds are really touchy under anesthesia and we don't like doing surgery if we don't have too.
The ulna break is assume to be from a pellet as she does have an open wound in the area as well and her leg is pretty bruised up but luckily no break to her leg.
IT IS NOT A GAME OR AMUSEMENT TO SHOOT AT ANIMALS WITH PELLET GUNS. You are causing them harm, you are injuring them and if they're not lucky enough to be found and treated they die a slow and painful death probably from starvation.
Stop it, stop fucking shooting animals with your pellet guns, it's not fucking funny and this is not the first bird we've gotten in with injuries from them.
Hopefully this lady will make it back to the wild, she's not even a first year bird, wing breaks are hit or miss, she may or may not fly again.