Yeah, I'm still alive.
I haven't posted here for quite a while, I know, but there haven't been much to write about. I should still post anyway but I haven’t really had the mood to write about stuff. But heres making up for a good bit of it:
Much of it has to do with the fact that I haven’t' done much lately...period. My studies have suffered from this and I have to do a new assignment as I never got around to make my 3.year term paper. And without it complete I can't take my exams, so that is postponed as well. It sucks, but it's all my own fault for not getting back on the horse quicker and faster.
As you probably know I study to become a schoolteacher and not that long ago I was out interning. I really love that part, there is no doubt I want to be a schoolteacher, it is just the _studying_ part I get bored of. Especially writing term papers. Gaahh. I hate it, and I just can't motivate myself to do it.
The last couple of years I've been in a group with two others fro mthe school and it worked much better, we got new classes this year and I haven’t been able to make a group with anyone, again because me not actually being there and trying.
Oh well I have an appointment with a student’s counselor next week and she will help me get back on track and get an update on where I am most behind so I can read up and so on.
I need to be done with this and get out there actually working with it before I come to a complete standstill... if nothing else then for the babie's sake.
Yeah just in case you didn't know, my girlfriend
akashathekitty is pregnant, due for middle of November :D
So what have I spend my time on lately you might think? Nothing much, mainly roleplaying games. It's a nice hobby I can dive into, it requires creativity and includes social interaction.
It's not that I slack because of RPG, more that while I slack I have to do _something_ and RPG'ing is the most fun. Also playing a bit of computer of course, but it's not as creatively demanding and doesn't require face-to-face social interaction.
So what RPG then? Well I arranged a big online scenario for over 10 people including people from across Denmark and even one from Sweden. It was great fun, very demanding and a great experience everyone had fun, I even convinced Akasha to take on a role that she seemed to have a little fun with, she was great at it ^^... a shame I can't get her to play more.
It was of course set in the dark and dirty cyberpunk setting of SLA Industries, but played out more like some Hollywood horror-story than anything else. I created all their character and wrote background stories for them and even made homepage for it:
Linky It's mostly in Danish but there are some cool (and some less cool) picture in the links to the right.
I'm not sure any of my readers are really into RPG-games so not sure how much I should dwell on it. So I'll cut right to the next big thing.
Age of Conan. That’s right. a Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game set in the world of Hyboria, the world Conan lives in (see why we call it MMORPG for short? Or just MMO). those of you also reading akashathekitty 's LJ will recognize the name as she has been ranting a bit about the stupidity of the forum there, and I have to agree completely.
It's really hard to imagine the amount of stupidity that one can pour into a single online forum. I had never really experienced it before. While I have followed other MMO forums I have never done so closely, not even WoW despite playing it on and off for several years. But the amount of people just posting to say random stupid and mostly demeaning and aggressive things are incredible. I'm getting frustrated just logging in and reading the topic-names.
So why care? Well I have played MMO's a loong time and many of them, many, many of them. I really enjoy them, I like to explore the world meet interesting people, and kill them. Hehehe, no not really I actually do not do much PvP. I just always liked that quote.
Anyway, the reason I'm following the game so closely is that it is made by the Norwegian gaming company Funcom. They also made Anarchy Online, the first MMO I really played and had great fun with. The fact that it is Conan doesn't bother me much. I didn't know much about Conan actually, aside from enjoying the movies while I was younger (well ok, I still do, they are cool in the way only Arnold 80's movies can be). Well Akasha actually told me a bit more about him as Robert Jordan (Author of Wheel of Time (mayherestinpeace)) has apparently written some books about Conan.
The more I learn about Hyboria (as the world is called) the more I like it. It is dark age dark low-fantasy. That is, brutal, harsh low on magic and no weird flashy humanoid races. There are humans divided in many cultures based very much on out worlds cultures, and then there is all the bad stuff that fills up the massive unexplored parts of the world. In many sense it reminds me of the Warhammer world, just less weird races.
But that’s beside the point from the fact that the game seems to be promising with great graphic and interesting gameplay. I have already suffered many disappointments from the game as the developers makes empty promises and praise themselves to the high sky, and its not even out yet! So my initial respect for Funcom has plummeted. I am still looking forward to it though, it's going to be fun and a lot more interesting than WoW. But not as good as it could have been had they lived up to their own words... mainly "all aspects regarding socializing and character individuality". That was what made AO great.
*wipes nostalgic tear from eye*
Its ok I forgive you, just read the parts that might interest you.