Carefully read this instruction

Nov 01, 2011 10:02

Carefully read this instruction

- The guidance provides a summary of basic information about the drug and viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy tablets 25 mg, 50 mg of a 100 mg.

- Please read this manual before you start taking the medication.

- Save the instructions. You may want to read it again.

- If you will not understand something or you have additional questions, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

This product is for you. Do not give it to others.

1. General information to identify drug

1.1 Commercial (proprietary) name of the drug


1.2 International (generic) name

Sildenafil (as sildenafila citrate)

1.3 dosage form and the appointment of

Tablets for use inside

1A Composition

Current substance

The active substances Viagra is sildenafil. One tablet contains 25 mg of the drug, 50 mg or 100 mg sildenafila (as sildenafila citrate).

Inactive Products

The composition of Viagra also includes the following inactive components microcrystalline cellulose, calcium gidrogenfosfat (anhydrous), sodium kroskarmellozy. magnesium stearate, gipromelloza, titanium dioxide (U171), lactose, triatsetin, indigo carmine aluminum varnish (E13 2)

1.5 pharmacotherapy group

Viagra is the first representative of a new group of drugs, called inhibitors fosfodiesterazy 5-type. The product expands the blood vessels of the penis during sexual excitation. As a result of increasing blood flow to the penis, helps to attack normal erection.

2. Indications for use

Viagra is intended for the treatment of men with Erectile Dysfunction, which is also known as impotence. This condition in men is not a normal erection. necessary for sexual intercourse.

Viagra has no effect on libido and reproductive function.

3. Contraindications

Do not take Viagra if:

° you have in the past had an allergic reaction to Viagra or any component of the drug specified in section 3 ( "Composition"). Allergic reaction may manifest a rash, zudom, face edema, or lips, puffy. If you have similar symptoms, then tell the doctor.

° you are taking medicines that contain nitrates, or a donor of nitric oxide for treatment of angina pectoris Viagra may cause undesirable strengthening activities such funds. If you are taking such drugs, tell the doctor or pharmacist.

4. Alerts

If you have any of the following conditions before you start receiving

Viagra should be informed about this doctor:

° sickle-cell anemia (the change of red blood cells), leukemia (cancer of blood cells), multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow) or Peyroni disease (deformity of the penis). In the treatment of drugs that have an impact on Erectile Dysfunction, people with such illnesses may require special precautions.

° a rare eye disease called pigmentary retinitom, gastric ulcer disease and, accompanied by hemorrhage (eg hemophilia). In these diseases, Viagra, it seems, can give an undesirable effect.

Viagra should not be used in combination with other funds intended for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.

The use in children

Viagra should not be given to children.

The application for elderly and patients with kidney or liver disease.

Specific recommendations for the treatment of the elderly and patients with kidney or liver missing.

Driving and the use of technology

When driving, or the special precautions are required

Interaction with other drugs

You should tell the doctor about all medicines that you take. Viagra tablets may interact with certain medications. Viagra can be taken with other drugs only if recommended by your doctor.

Viagra may cause undesirable reinforcement action of drugs known as nitrates and nitric oxide donor. They are used to treat angina. If you get a melting products, then DO NOT TAKE Viagra.


Do not take more pills than recommended by your doctor. If you take more tablets than you recommended, consult a doctor immediately.

5. Dosing and Administration

Your doctor will decide what dose you should take Viagra. For most men it is 50 mg. At a higher dose of medication should be taken only on the advice of a doctor

Viagra should be taken approximately one hour before sexual intercourse. Swallow the tablet whole and zapeyte a little water. Viagra can be taken no more than once a day

Viagra helps offensive erection only if sexual initiation. In the absence of sexual excitation of the drug does not cause the appearance of erection. Effects of Viagra starts on different dates with different people, but it usually manifests itself within 30 minutes to one hour. After a heavy meal Effects Viagra may begin at a later date. Acceptance of alcohol may lead to temporary Erectile Dysfunction. To get the maximum benefit from the medication before taking Viagra is not recommended to use a large amount of alcohol.

If Viagra does not facilitate the onset of erection, or erection remains insufficiently long to complete sexual intercourse, you should consult a doctor.

b.. Side Effects

Like most other medicines, Viagra can cause some undesirable reactions. They are usually easy or moderately expressed Mr. saved shortly.

The most frequent side effects are headache and a burst-to-face. Less a violation of digestion, dizziness, nose and pledged to change (change of color, high brightness light or zatumanivanie view) .-

If you have any of these undesirable effects, they will harass or to be pronounced or disappear with the continuation of treatment, consult your doctor. Your doctor may reduce the dose of the drug.

If you have any unwanted effects while taking Viagra, which are not listed in this manual, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Composition and Packaging

Viagra pills are blue and round. On one side there is a tablet inscription PFIZER, on the other - VGR 25, 50 or 100. In cartons containing 1 or 4 tablets in blisters.

8. Storage conditions

Do not take the drug after the date of expiry indicated on the package.

Store Viagra at a temperature below 30'S in the original packaging.

Like all medicines, Viagra Keep out of reach of children.

9. Shelf life.

Do not take the drug after the date of expiry date indicated on the package.

10. Terms of leave from pharmacies

On medical
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