Before the field

Feb 12, 2005 22:59

Well it's another Saturday night down here in Jacksonville... Only a few more of these and I'm on my way to Japan... The gang and I went and saw Sideways today and we saw Hitch last night too. Hitch was defiantly the better of the two though and I highly recommend going to see it because it was really funny and it was just overall a very kick ass film. Sideways was just one of those really great low budget films. Things have really been crazy today. I think things are starting to get to people here, including me, because everyone like was at a point today when they felt like in such a crappy mood. Before I get into all of that emoness let me talk about how the hike was friday that we all went on. We did our 7 mile hike or "hump" on friday and to tell you the truth for some reason it felt like the 6 mile one was harder than this one. I've only gotten one blister so far on any of the humps and that was on the 6 mile one and let me tell you one thing, it was one hell of a blister. Before the hump I took like 3 apples from the galley in the morning though so I just ate them while I was hiking and it made the time go by alot faster. It gets really boring just walking like for 2 hours or however long were out there. Anyway... to tell something straight from the heart I just want to say that... it hurts to hear Carter talk to Megan sometimes because I've been there and done that with Katie... Yeah he knows probably more than I do about getting the girls and everything like that... But he just talks to her like I talked to Katie like a year ago or whatever and I don't want him to end up like how I was... Maybe still am in a way? I just wish I could grab Megan and tell her how much she is going to lose by letting him go because there is never going to be anyone that loves her as much as he does. Now mind you, Megan is probably going to read this and probably be like all mad or tell Carter and he is going to be all mad at me, but I really don't care because I'm just trying to make sense to them. I know Carter is going to kill me once hes reads this but this my journal dude "so heres a straw... suck it up as they say here." Megan don't push him away because you will never find anything better and don't be scared of commitment because everyone is looking for that someone eventually. The sooner you find that person the sooner you can start the time of your life. Ok phew now that thats out back to my boring old life... In which I can never think of anything good to put in here... Oh yeah I picked up "The boy with the thorn in his side" by Peter Wentz today. It's about the nightmares he had when he was little. Pete is cooler than those sweet fruit filled pancake things I had at IHOP today and it's definatly hard to top those (oh man those were so good though yummmmmmm). Plus not to mention I had alot of nightmares when I was little like all the time... I still do sometimes... Ask some of my closest friends... So I can kind of relate to him and stuff and its really wicked. Does anyone use wicked anymore? I don't know but I thought I would throw it in there. Oh yeah it's lent so I helped the Chaplain set up the mass when we were on the field on Wednesday. It was really neat me and the rest of the RPs had to make a ring around the mass to provide security for the Chaplain and yup defiantly cool beans. Then he put the ashes on my forehead and I was good to go. So while all the rest of my friends were eating burgers on Friday I was eating salad :( haha. I still haven't really figured what I'm going to give up for lent... Well today hasen't really been the greatest for me either I'm really stressed and I'm not even going to get into what the rest of the stuff is I'm thinking about... All I'm going to say is aren't promises ment to be kept?... Peace guys and gals talk to later...
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