Ayeap. theres been a few things i've been wanting to post about for a while, so i just decided to condense them into one post.
First off: I've become OBSESSED with Mushi-shi. Its one of the most beautiful, amazing, sophisticated japanese series I've seen/read in a LONG time. Its also one of the few series I've been strictly watching, because it (Like BECK) simply cannot be read, it must be watched. Since I found a site that allows me to watch the shows, subtitled, online, I've been ripping through it. Currently one episode 17, and I want to buy the whole series.
Seriously, go watch it. Site is here:
http://anime6.org/m6/index.php?_action=item_view&id=654 So you have no excuse now.
Second: OMFG DO WANT!!!! D8
http://www.armynavydeals.com/asp/products_details.asp?SKU=bgermgreato1&ST=2As some of you have probably noticed, i've developed a bit of a fasination with german army clothing. Or rather, German clothing in general. In fact, as I type this, I'm planning on going out to buy that army coat at Vintage Goldmine that i've been oggling for, like, FOREVER.
The last bit is... um, I forgot ._. a good hour and a half has passed sine i wrote the beginning of this post and this part. I think it had somehting to do with the title of my journal....
BTW in case anyone is wondering why the hell my journal subtitle is now "Smells of Pumpernickel", thats because i read somewhere that the actual entymology of 'pumpernickel' is litterallly translated into 'Devil's Fart'. xD yeah, i laughed too.
Hopefully i'll remember.