My quiet moment for the day. Just sitting here with a hot cup of milktea out of my favorite mug and with my favorite blanket. The rain is coming down outside and it's peaceful. Also I'm watching Castle.
I want to start my herb garden soon. With the weather fluctuating madly still I'll likely have to start it inside but I'm worried about the kitty trying to eat things.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo BECKETT. I'm sure she's fine, but yeah. Nice to see something dramatic happen to the main characters.
I've got alot to handle right now. Recieved some shocking news from Leviathan. My art director is moving on to another company. I've worked under this woman since I graduated and I know I still have alot to learn from her. It's a real bummer she won't be around anymore.
Also have new parttime job training tonight that I need to review some files for. Not to mention Sakuracon prep. Life feels overwhelming right now. So very overwhelming. But I'll handle it. Somehow.