(no subject)

Mar 07, 2010 21:30

Wasabi Con down. Sakuracon to start prepping for. And I mean REALLY prepping for.

Wasabi was a total 180 experience from last year. Being in Artist Alley made a huge friggen' difference, and I actually turned a nice profit for a con that size. Met a bunch of new people, people I see at NDK and people I've only known online. It was good :)

I'm half considering Fanime next year since people were telling me about it.

Though now I'm caught up in contract work. Have something due by Tuesday or earlier. Have a ton with Leviathan that's also a tight deadline starting tomorrow x.x Pretty beat but argh, need to keep going. I'm glad I didn't do commissions at the con, would be even more beat.

This little beauty did pretty well. I had two on Friday. This one and a purple rose one. Both sold relatively early in the day. And I saw the girl wearing the purple one today. It looked great on her! I had one more rose at home, so quickly made it up since I had some extra keys already cleaned up. That one went fast too. I hope my supplies come in soon. I really love these.

This didn't sell so well ($15 for a handsewn piece doesn't sound bad to me.. oh well). But I still love it. Optimistic for other cons with it!

... kind of considering getting a 360 with some of my profits...

[edit]FFFFFFF it's midnight already. WTF. I've done nothing. [/edit]


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