so i was home alone last night while aaron was at work, jill was out, and my other useless roommate was asleep. so technically not alone, but ya know. i hear a diesel engine running outside at 1am so i look to see what it is. when i look out the window i see 9 cop cars, an ambulance, a fire truck, and news vans in my parking lot. and my entire building was surrounded by crime scene tape. the girlfriend was wailing outside and puking from crying so much. to hear that raw emotion gave me chills and made me upset and i started crying. plus i was fed up with living here cause at that point i didn't know what had really happened, i just knew someone was dead and it wasn't of natural causes. so i felt really unsafe and alone. so i tried to call jill to warn her to not come home right away cause our building was a crime scene. at first no one was allowed in or out. but then they let people in their apartments. my car was inside the police tape so i couldn't go anywhere.
so this went on from like 1230 to past 6am. i finally went to sleep then. when i woke up at noon everthing was cleaned up.
i'm just so tired of living here. the first two years at this complex were quiet and nice. we were probably some of the loudest people around and only because of our poker parties on wednesdays. this past year, the clientele of this place has just gotten really sketchy. a lot of groups of people hanging out in the parking lot at 4am. cars double parked and running with no headlights on for long periods of time. there is a police helicopter with a search light in the air about once a month. and at least once a week i see a cop car parked somewhere in the complex. not that long ago a guy was mugged in the parking lot while i was out there on my way to walmart. i can't wait to get the fuck out of here!!!!
in good news....
28 days until i get married!!!!!