Blissed outta my fu*king mind! (recap and update)

Oct 02, 2003 17:32

Last Oct 31 dd started to limp and fuss. She woke up at 3 am Nov 1st screaming nursed for 10 minutes and went back to sleep she spent the day screaming and passing out (we did not know she was passing out at the time) we had thought her insurance coverage had lapsed so we were trying to wait it out at home. She would not eat or drink and stopped having wet diapers and started throwing up so we rushed her to the ER.
They rehydrated her over the course of the 2nd and admitted her because they could not figure out what was causing the symptoms. She was subjected to a barium enema so they could see if she had an intestinal blockage, she didn’t. They gave her a CAT scan at 9:30 pm and as the Dr was saying it looked clear she had a grand mal seizure that lasted around 15 minutes (or a lifetime in freaked screaming sobbing parent time). She was rushed back for a 2nd CAT scan that showed her brain dangerously swollen, her right pupil was blown and she was in a coma. She had tempory shunts placed in the center of her brain and in her spine and was flown to the children's hospital. She had 16 hours of petite mal seizures before they got her med load right.
Her MRI showed huge damage to her myelin sheath (The myelin sheath is the fatty covering, which acts as an insulator, on nerve fibers in the brain.) This is the same thing that happens in a person with MS. We were not told but this was pretty much a death sentence for her, around a 2% chance at living and no real chance at recovering beyond a vegetative state. But 7 days later she was aware enough to be removed from her respirator and she regained full consciousness 2 days later. She came out of the coma with the physical abilities of a newborn and had to relearn everything by rebuilding neuro pathways, which are not possible, but some how she did it. :paranoia We are kinda scared of her now :paranoia She went through intensive rehab in the hospital 8 hours a day and recovered so quickly she also scares her neurologist a little. She was released the day before Thanksgiving to finish rehabbing at home.
She had a follow up MRI last week and has been pronouced on the way to full recovery! The meylin has been complety absorbed and there are no traces of brain damage. Life is goooooooooooooooood!
She has an early interventional therapist an occupational therapist a speech therapist and a habilitation therapist. She has nearly caught up physically and is 5 months delayed in speech. She has had a surgery to repair eye muscle damage caused by the seizures and has another one next week that should be the last one
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