also lives at: at July 25, 2016 at 08:04PM
I skipped last week because I went to NJ for the weekend to meet a small new person and celebrate my eldest nephew’s fifth birthday and all in all I did not write a lick at all. And now I’m a day late, and an entire $2.00 short, but so say we all. Or something.
Things I actually worked on this week!:
ST:VOY, Janeway/Tuvok, Tuvok/T'Pel poly v queer families edition (that involves Janeway/Tuvok/holographic!T'Pol on Voyager). Starting at the end of their time on Voyager (read: season 7, sort of to the left of actual canon season 7) but carries over after they get back to Earth, and Janeway tries to be self-sacrificing but T'Pel won’t have any of it and they all live happily ever after (even when they’re all in different places) (which happens). I added a whole 180 words to this-
-and then I started thinking way to much about Tal Celes and what she might do after Voyager returns home, and what if she and Janeway met up at a reunion or on a transport or at a wedding or something and, I mean, Celes isn’t even in Starfleet anymore, okay? Janeway’s not her commanding officer. And Celes totally thought Janeway and Chakotay or maybe Janeway and Seven would, but no, everyone knows Chakotay and Seven ended up getting together, which, ouch. And, look, Celes might’ve sort of had a thing for Janeway on Voyager-who didn’t?-and they hook up somewhere awkward and semi-public and it’s going to be a one time deal only they see each other at the next Voyager wedding and well, why not?
Things that I haven’t added any words to this week, but are still slowly in progress, no really, I promise!:
SW, Leia/Lando after The Force Awakens, in a universe where they had a on-again off-again threesome situation with Han basically forever. Lando shows up after Han dies. They drink the last of the Corellian Ale and Leia fucks Lando like Han liked to be fucked.
Also I still need to finish the Carrie/Harrison/Mark thing of sex, drugs, and tying Harrison up that is probably the closest to finished of any of these.
Things I haven’t started, but am contemplating writing someday (and have spent too much time thinking about considering the fact that I am working on other stuff):
MC, Brenda/Sharon set sort of post-Hindsight, where Sharon finally gets her promotion but because LAPD policy is that you have to move to another department with a promotion she ends up back in professional standards, leading the whole thing up. Brenda’s back in LA doing something or other, and Sharon runs into her somewhere. They start doing things together, Sharon and Andy don’t work out, Brenda and Sharon end up together. Rusty works on his vlog in the background.
ST:VOY, Post-Endgame Janeway/Nechayev where they both have to deal with bucket loads of post-war politics and trauma and emotional wariness and it’s all very two steps forward twenty steps back and it’s all about working long hours and having sex and having an ally until it’s suddenly a relationship and neither of them really knows how that happened at all.
Original 1920s marriage of convenience queer romance w/older rich woman & younger genderqueer musician living publicly as a man set in New Orleans. Theoretically this would be a romance novel type thing. I am still in the research and character planning stages (I have a very exciting book about prices in that era! for certain definitions of exciting!).
Tags:dw, star trek: voyager, star wars, the closer, major crimes, attempts at accountability for $600, i possibly have a janeway problem, why are words so hard
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