[state of the fandom]

Dec 31, 2015 18:56

1. Your main fandom of the year?

Hm. Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries? By which I mean that I wrote an entire story in this fandom and have another one in the works (no, really! it's been in the works for months and months, but I've added words to it over the past week so it counts!), so that is way more than anything that is not Yuletide.

2. Your favourite film watched this year?

Okay, so it's probably a tie between Magic Mike XXL, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, both of which I love and which hit me just right but in completely different ways. But Mad Max: Fury Road and Spy are right there too, so. (And there are still movies from this year that I think I'll love that I haven't seen! 2015 was good for me, film-wise!)

3. Your favourite book read this year?

Zen Cho's Sorcerer to the Crown. And the Jem and the Holograms comic.

4. Your favourite TV show of the year?

This is hard, but I think it's UnREAL over any number of strong contenders. [eta: someone just mentioned Healer, which was just beamed directly into my id in so many ways and was a favorite of a different type. okay. no more edits.]

5. Your favourite online fandom community of the year?

My fannish twitter feed, I guess. I don't know. It's definitely where I've been most active. I finally started a fannish tumblr, but I haven't figured out actual interaction over there.

6. Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Hamilton. Hamilton forever and ever.

7. Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

Leaving out the NHL showing us all its ass--which, ugh, my hockey fandom has honestly dwindled quite a bit, and is mostly focused on the women of the CWHL and NWHL--it'd have to be the fact that there are only three Rayna Boyanov/Susan Cooper stories on AO3, and they're all from this Yuletide (and one isn't even purely Rayna/Susan). Also Maggie Steifvater managed to ruin my enjoyment of the Raven Boys books pretty much by being herself.

8. Your TV boyfriend of the year??

I really wanted to cheat and substitute "fandom" for "TV" so I could go with Lafayette as played by Daveed Diggs, but instead I will just mention that. Because yes. But, hmm, TV boyfriend would have to be Jack Robinson of really wanting to bang Phryne Fisher fame.

9. Your TV girlfriend of the year?

Maaaaaaac. By which I of course mean Elizabeth MacMillan of probably already banged Phryne Fisher at some point in their past fame. (Other contenders were Cat Grant, Caroline McKenzie-Dawson, and Quinn King, all of whom would probably be far worse at the girlfriend thing than Mac--at least for me!--though that doesn't stop me from loving them. At. All.)

10. Your biggest squee moment of the year?

Seeing Hamilton.

11. The most missed of your old fandoms?

I am suddenly feeling a call to Star Trek: Voyager, and I was never even particularly active in that fandom the first time around. I think mostly I miss the Bordy--an old multifandom mailing list from mumblety-mumblety years ago and one of my favorite fannish experiences.

12. The fandom you haven’t tried yet, but want to?

Does Star Wars count? It's never been a fandom-fandom for me, just a well-loved universe, and suddenly I just want so much fic (of course, what I want is Leia and Han and pain and yeah, not the beautiful young OT3 stuff that is probably glorious and yet).

13. Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Oh god, The X-Files. It is going to disappoint the hell out of me I am sure, and yet. SCULLY.

This entry also lives at Dreamwidth. Comment here, comment there, comment anywhere. I'm partial to Pony Express.

musical, meme, meme:fandom, film, telly

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