- So I signed up for skating lessons--on a total whim--because I used to love to skate around the rink when I was wee but it's been about 20 years since then and I worry about my ability to stop. Step one of Operation: Stop Being a Lazy Slug is (tentatively, unless I wuss out) a go! (I, uh, also kind of want to learn to play hockey one day. Or at least stick handle. I don't delude myself into thinking I'll ever be good enough for even the most casual of casual games of shinny, but I'd like to at least try. But that'll have to wait until next winter.)
- Peter Gammons: "If Eddie Vedder were a GM, he'd be Theo-intense, intellectual and laced with integrity." (From Baseball Prospectus, btw. About Hot Stove Cool Music. Which I am not going to. Even though I want to. And it's for charity. And I want to.)
- Query: anyone out there know anything about holidaying in New Orleans? How about Barcelona? We're down to those two choices (it'll probably come down to how much we want to spend, etc., as it always does) (also San Francisco during baseball season, but I've been already so we're set-ish on that one), and we're planning on going toward the end of March. Any tips? Can't miss restaurants/museums/random things to do? Help us, Obi Wan Internet, you're our only hope.
- A poll! We will probably ignore the results, choosing instead to work on what we want to work on, blah blah blah, but I find myself weirdly curious.
Poll Telly!
- After going to the Harry Potter exhibit at the MoS, I find myself wanting to write Harry Potter fic again. I don't even know, y'all, I just don't. (I also found myself willing and eager to spend way too much money on a replica propaganda poster of some sort, only they didn't have any in the gift shop. Oh well, their loss.)
- I found myself way too invested in the WJC last night--it seemed like every time I flipped over from the Bruins game/Orange Bowl/Tabatha's Salon Makeover, Canada scored, so I was thisclose to blaming myself if the US blew it--but, seriously, I am so glad they aired it on a channel I get and I only wish it wasn't on at the same time as everything else I was trying to watch. Stupid commercial breaks, not lining up perfectly.
*Lies! Everyone knows there's no such thing! (She does pitch, though.)