[the theme is purple]

Jun 14, 2006 10:12

There's an "Old Fashioned Revival" tent on the Common. There's a Winnie the Pooh and an Elmo and children laughing and having their photographs taken (I didn't tear up, it was only hay fever) (There's a picture in my mother's house, of: my sisters, me, a guy in the worst Big Bird costume ever (felt, droopy beak, etc.). No one ever looks at it).

This weekend, I am flying to NJ, going to my sister's graduation party (she passed her boards! & is now: Baby Sis, RN, BSN, soon-to-be-maker of more money than me!), and flying back up the next morning (flight's at 11, which means I'm on the road by 6:30, whoo-baby, that's gonna be "fun"). I am not looking forward to this, not at all, but these are the things we do for our families, I guess. I don't really know. We're all sort of new at this whole "getting together as a family to celebrate someone's accomplishments" thing.

(P.S., only not, because I am not done yet: anyone know a good website/book/other that will tell me how to format a TV script? Things like, you know, what is this ANGLE ON of which you speak? And when do I PAN IN on something, or CUT TO, or other things? Inquiring minds (mine) want to (need to) know.) (Also, this morning, I was watching Scrubs instead of CNN, as one does, and sometimes I want an episode narrated by Ted and sometimes I want an episode narrated by Jordan and sometimes I want to kidnap JD and tie him up in my basement where I can love him forever and ever amen. Then I take a vitamin and go to work.) (Also, also, I spent this past weekend mainlining Slings & Arrows, which totally hits all my theatre geek kinks, in between working on The Office spec and writing my bordy remix and eating Pad Thai.)

I am wearing a blue skirt and sandals (and a blue shirt because my workplace, though business casual, is not Vegas Showgirl business casual). The sky is also blue, as is the Dixie cup from which I am drinking my water and the paperclip on this fax and my pen. I am sensing a theme, and the theme is "I want to go outside and walk around the Public Garden."

family:baby sister's wedding, charlie, writing

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