Mar 16, 2015 19:58
Not that today is the Ides, but just beware of them anyway.
Had a massive rainstorm yesterday - more than 1 inch of precipitation. Tried to get out the door to run but no luck. Put in 45 minutes on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill.
Today was much nicer. Decided to get my long run in after work. Turned out to be a great idea. Took me 1:48:00 to do 15.5 km; target time was 105 minutes, so was pretty much right on target. Ran most of it,too. Mainly due to forgetting to set the interval function on my Garmin. The view along the waterfront was spectacular.
Will be feeling that tomorrow but it was so worth it.
Rat count - 4 since Friday. Not sure where the furball is finding them. Just glad they are dead when we see them. Cat put the run on a squirrel last week instead - no chance of catching it, but certainly set out his territory.