Jan 30, 2005 13:22
Ok so I took one of those quizzes that are so wildly available on the internet these days. I didn't bother copying and pasting it into my journal, cause I am just lazy. But anyway, it was to determine what high school sterotype you are, and to no real surprise I was deemed a 56% Punk/Rebel. What I like about these quizzes, and especially in this one, is that it tells you to what percentage you belong in each catagory. What was particulaly funny is that I am equal parts Ghetto Gangsta, Drama Nerd and Stoner at 38%. I am 44% goth(?), 31% loner, and equal parts Geek and Prep/Jock/Cheerleader at 13%. Equal parts Geek and Preppy Jock is funny to say the least, and the 38% Ghetto Gangsta is also humorous. Truth is I am so many things all at once that this quiz can't handle the wonder that is me.