I've been away from you, Constant Reader. I apologize for my absence. There's really no good reason. I have meant to call and meant to write, but when the time came, something got in the way.
First, the Big News.
linbtland I are engaged. I asked her on the trip to Boston and she said yes. She surprised me with how fast she wanted to get to the wedding part, but we are in the planning stages. The Big Day is May 3rd, and we are trying to avoid as much Wedding Stress as possible. This means no fancy invitations, no reception with a crappy DJ, no getting soaked by the bridal industry, and as few traditions as possible. May 3rd, 2008 is the big day. Also, no 06/07/08. Come on people, it wasn't clever when it was 07/07/07 either.
I worked at Uncle Herb's Cubicle Farm for about six weeks. I got the blow off call when I got back from Boston. I really liked that job and hope that now that I have some experience and good references from Kohl's that I get something in that field that's more permanent. If you want to check out my work, go to
the Kohl's website and do a search for Lipper, Singer, or Renaissance.
I started a part-time gig today that I got because I knew the hiring manager from Gen Con. Strangely, she got let go on Friday, so when I showed up. People were a bit surprised. Ah well. It beats filing for unemployment.
As for writing gigs, I have one pending at White Wolf as well as one working on Edge of Midnight. On the weekdays I have off, I have time to pursue an agent or two.
That's the news as far as I can tell. I'm sure there will be more later.