Oct 03, 2006 12:05
My first game of Hollow Earth took place on Friday. It went well, but I definitely feel some room for improvement. It was very nice to see Lemming Wrangler again and hope she's able to make to back to game. The schedule is already getting choppy, but I think I have a good group. Depending on how the rest of my demos go this year, I may add a second game on Fridays.
I've resisted the siren call of the recent Star Wars DVDs so far, but we shall see how logn that lasts. Instead, I have reawaked a hunger for Star Wars minis. While I haven't quite puffed out my collections to the levels of Bounty Hunter and Rocket Boots, the case that I bought for them is pretty much full already. I'm hoping I can trade some of my extras soon, but I need to look at a new case, perhaps.
Looking at Star Wars, I am reminded that I've never really had a good Star Wars game that I was a part of. Rocket Boots ran a decent one a year or two ago, but it never really went anywhere before he took off for Japan. Fortinbras ran a brief one at the Flophouse, but it started to drift away from the storyline and into a "Grand Theft Freighter" game. And I'm no different; most of my Star Wars games made it through two sessions before being brushed away. So what gives?
Maybe it was that the feel never felt right. While I dearly love the old WEG version (and, after KOTOR, am less critical of the d20 version), I never liked the Jedi rules and always was saddened by their choice to move from an abstract chase system to one that was grainy.
I don't have any big aspirations. I just want a nice little Tramp Freighter campaign to call my own. That was one of the things that got me on Firefly; the bickering and the camraderie of the crew. Sure, you can do the Rebellion and the Empire and Jedis, but there are plenty of examples of that stuff in other media. Maybe the next time a slot opens up...or maybe I'll just be distracted by the next trinket.
So what games do you wish I'd try again?
star wars