Dec 09, 2007 15:53
lol yes im one of those people who blew $$170 on a ps3 video game. So why am i posting this?
Well its because im sick and tired of people criticizing the game rockband. People dont understand that the game rockband is all for [b]FUN[/b]. Their always saying "Why spend $170 on a game when you can put a lil more and buy a real instrument.
To all you people. The game rockband is not for practicing to become a real musician. Its for families and friends to get together and have fun. Not only that it is for people who wants to have a feel on playing a music instrument infront of a crowd and even though its just an imitation atleast its something fun!
so you idiots who compares rockband and a forming a real band please get it in your head that these to two things are totally diffrent and its not destroying anything. Hell it might even encourage young people to actually form a band.