Apr 25, 2007 19:40

i was reading this forum and they were talking about men with alot of hair and men without hair

heres the reply:

Dude, what the hell is this with the body hair/pedo comments? As long as you don't look like a furbie, I don't give a s*** and I certainly don't make "body hair" one of my dating criteria. Most girls honestly don't care and if a guy is a bit less hairy than his friends, I highly doubt she's thinking that he looks like a little boy. People within all races and ethnicities have highly varying levels of body hair... how is this even an issue? It's not a specifically "Asian" trait, to begin with. Have any of you guys met Thai people? THEY ARE NOT HAIRLESS OR LACKING IN THE HAIR DEPT. And there are millions of Northern Europeans who are very light in the hair dept. as well. It has a lot more to do with temperature variations in the regions where your ancestors lived, more than anything else. Some of you are loony toony.

heres a reply to that:

^Yo. What you got against Furbie-men, eh? Don't you want to nuzzle in a their matted, manly fur? You might find a lollipop or bird.

HAHAHAAHAHAHA that made me laugh really hard LOL
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