Every Sugar Daddy Ain't Sweet
I get why it's so easy to get sucked in.
Here's this guy at your door bearing gifts-say it's the latest Fendi bag, a pair of Christian Louboutins to match the hot, body-skimming dress he laid across your bed last month, or a pair of diamond earrings the size of fists and a matching bangle so sparkly it makes your wrist look like a constellation. Or those gifts might be something much more practical-a check to cover a month's worth of rent for the condo you all spend time in, or a payment for that Chrysler you've been driving around town, or a date in the chair of that stylist you love who sews in your tracks just the way you (and he!) like them or gives you highlights that all the women in the office envy. Hell, he might be bringing something as basic as a bag of groceries or lunch money for the kids.
Whatever the gift, you're happy to receive it, aren't you?
Because it keeps money in your pocket and, more important, it makes you feel like this man cares about you-wants you to look good, live comfortably, eat right, and have some of your needs and even some of your wants taken care of. Who wouldn't sign up for that, especially if this guy is bringing these gifts and showing you what appears to be genuine affection?
But you know, back in the day, that guy was referred to as a "sugar daddy." Sugar Daddy is a sweet person who takes care of you like your daddy would-gives you clothes, food, shelter. Delivers it all with sweetness beyond compare, but with expectations no "daddy" would ever expect of his real daughters. The sugar daddy motto: you be sweet to him, and he'll be sweet to you.
These days, a sugar daddy has a different name: sponsor. No matter if you all call this man a "sugar daddy" or a "sponsor," we men simply refer to him as a player and you as a woman willing to prostitute yourself without even realizing it.
Yup, I said it.
Sure, you may be getting some nice things, but honestly, accepting gifts from a guy without getting what you want in return is nothing more than an advanced form of prostitution. See, we men understand this much: there's a "cost"-direct or indirect-associated with sex. We can buy it at the strip club or at a brothel or online, or we can take you to dinner and the movies, pay your rent, buy you some jewelry, send you to get your hair done on our dime, or hand you money. Either way, we fully expect that if we're spending money, we're going to get something in return: sex.
And trust me when I tell you, there is nothing sugary or sweet about giving so much of yourself to a man who, at the end of the day, is giving up so little in return. Oh, it may look like he's giving you the world. Hell, a sugar daddy/sponsor/player will go out of his way to make it seem like he's going all out, just for you. But a sugar daddy who is, in essence, paying for sex will never make any real, long-term sacrifice, will never pursue anything that substantially chips away at his own bottom line. He'll play the game as long as it goes undetected and will not interfere with a relationship that's important to him.
He will not pay your rent if it means he can't pay his.
He will not buy you a car if he doesn't have one for himself.
He will not buy you groceries if his refrigerator isn't full.
He will not take you to the hot party if a woman he cares for more wants to go too.
And he most certainly will not fall in love with you just because you're giving him some tail.
In my line of business, I see this all the time. Men with means-celebrities, athletes, bankers, businessmen-have one, two, three, and even more women on the side, and each one of them will be the proud recipient of a sponsorship package: they might get $2,000 for rent in a luxurious condo, maybe $700 for a car note, $300 for hair and nail appointments, an expensive pair of shoes or a dress every now and again. Tally that up, and those women have gotten something very valuable from their sugar daddies, haven't they? They have a place to live and transportation, and they get to look good from head to toe-all on someone else's dime. But what they're getting from their sponsors is worth nothing more than a dime to a sugar daddy in the scheme of things; if he's making millions, what is that little $3,000 a month costing him? The woman who's getting that sponsorship package is worth very little-the equivalent of a drawerful of cashmere Marcoliani socks, a few fancy Hermes ties, and a pair of expensive cuff links. He might as well be flipping a quarter in her direction.
If you're involved with a sugar daddy or sponsor, you don't even have to ask for that quarter either. The real players always offer to help you with whatever your needs are before they're expressed-we pick it up in conversation, see it with our own two eyes. You pull up in a car that looks like it's on its last leg? A sugar daddy's got a car payment for you or a ride to wherever you need to go. A potential sponsor comes over to your house and sees that all your furniture looks like it came from the 1950s and your two little kids' hand-me-downs date back to the 1970s? Your sponsor is going to be sure to kick you a little cash for some new furniture or take the kids clothes shopping. A sugar daddy goes out with a woman and looks down at her feet and asks what size she wears. Please believe, he's going to make a mental note that she said she wears a size 9, and a few weeks later when she's not thinking about it, he's going to show up with a nice pair of shoes in the perfect size. Those shoes are going to get him a kiss. And when he asks her what size dress she wears, a few weeks later, he's going to trade in a size 10 outfit for a hug and a kiss and maybe a little bit more. The woman hasn't said she wants clothes or a dress or anything else, but she's not turning it down, either. The money and the gifts are bait, and he knows she's biting.
He's going to keep the bait coming, too, because he's investing in her. It's just a slick way of giving her what she values-a way to reel her in without sacrificing anything he truly needs or wants. And what kind of return does he get on his investment? Something that no man should be able to buy: her love, her devotion, and her body-three things that are absolutely priceless.
And trust me, a player doesn't have to be rich to offer sponsorship packages. The regular workingman is just as much an expert at investing in a woman as the richest man on the planet. You're short on cash and running out of milk? Here come some groceries, some baby food, and a couple of lollipops for the kids. You a little light on money for the bills? Here comes a couple dollars toward the phone and light bills. Your car's not running right? Here he comes to change the oil or check on the timing belt or change the flat tire. He doesn't have to have a lot of money-he just needs to see a need and fulfill it, at minimal or no cost to himself.
Please understand, there really is a difference between a man who provides and one who is simply investing. As I've said elsewhere in this book, a man who truly loves you will do three things: profess his love for you publicly, protect you by any means necessary, and provide for you, no matter if it means there's nothing left for himself. He will not spend his money on trifling things and come to you with what's left, and he will not selfishly give you a little cut and take the rest for himself. If he's a real man, he will always sacrifice buying something for himself until he's fulfilled his responsibility to provide for you; he will not buy a new set of golf clubs or a nice suit if he knows the kids' tuition is due. He does this because providing for you-even if it means sacrificing what he needs for himself-is fulfilling his role and purpose as a man who is showing his genuine love for his woman.
A man who is buying baubles and trinkets but refuses to give you what you really want-a true, monogamous, loving relationship, however, is simply using you. He's paying your rent and car note, but he's doing it only because he expects something in return, and the moment it starts costing him to keep buying you, he's out. His sponsorship package may make you feel grateful to be with him, but really, you're being played-kept in a holding pattern until he's ready to move on. He's buying your kindness, your sex, your love, your affection-a cool place to chill out and escape whatever problems he's dealing with, like the nagging wife or girlfriend, or the dog-eat-dog competition at work, or the pressure that comes with raising kids with a difficult ex. And while you're letting him spend money on you and giving him your all, you're compromising your requirements and standards and missing out on what most women looking for a sound relationship want in a man-understanding, tenderness, companionship, a man willing to share himself and grow with you and truly sacrifice for you. He reels you in by telling you he's with you because he can find peace in your arms, but you're not finding any peace.
A true player knows how to, well, play on your needs; he's very clear on what women need-someone to share their lives with and someone who makes them feel secure. I'm not qualified to say that these are the only things women look for because I'm not one, but I can say those two things have been important for every woman I've dealt with in any kind of way. As hunters, we men understand this, and so we'll set out the bait to meet those two needs, knowing that if we just give the illusion of those two things, we get everything we want out of you.
Of course, some relationships are built on this; the world is full of women who want nothing more than to be sponsored-to get a man's cash with no obligation to him. For every woman like that, there are twenty men willing to sign up for the program because, just like she claims she doesn't want anything more than money, he's clear that he doesn't want anything more than the sex that comes with handing the money over. If a man meets a woman who is physically to his liking and she makes it perfectly clear she doesn't want anything but a little financial help, then cool: we're used to that. We have to pay for your company and sex anyway. So instead of taking you to dinner and wining and dining you, let's package it all up and call it rent. Instead of taking you on trips, let's add all the money that would involve and call it a car note. And once those things are paid for and the passionate moment has come and gone, we're through. If you don't want anything emotionally, well hell, guess what? We don't want anything either. Men are not dumb-they know when they're being gamed for their cash. But trust me when I tell you: a man enters these kinds of relationships willingly. You're not pulling the wool over his eyes. And the moment he decides he's bored with you or tired of the game, he'll simply move on-either to another woman who has more excitement to offer, or to a woman whom he's decided to give his heart to. He's the master of the game. He knows what's up.
The moment you start expecting more from him is the moment you'll be in trouble. You may have liked being spoiled but as with any sugar high, eventually, you're going to crash; you're going to come down and crave something of substance. However, you won't get it. You'll have his cell-phone number but you won't be able to call him at the house; you'll be invited to his "house" but it won't look lived in (which means he probably has a real home with somebody somewhere else); you won't ever meet his family or go on double dates with his best friends (because no one else-especially his boy's girlfriend, who is likely friends with his real girlfriend-can see you, lest they give you and him a hard time); you won't ever sit next to him in a house of worship (even the hardest dogs of dogs won't push the limit with the Lord that far, and there aren't too many dudes who have that kind of dog in them). He's generous, but he's not sharing his life with you.
You will not get real companionship from him. You will not get him to protect, profess, or provide for you-to truly get him to show and prove his love for you. What's worse is that when Mr. Right does come along, you won't recognize him because your standards will be out of reach of what most well-intentioned men can provide; you'll miss the guy who is willing to pick you up on time and introduce you to his friends and sit in a house of worship with you on Sunday morning but doesn't have the money to, say, pay your rent. The man who is willing to give you true kindness, understanding, companionship, and attention doesn't have a chance because you've sold out for cash to pay your car note and rent.
Is the car note and rent worth that if what you ultimately want is a sound, secure, loving relationship?
So how do you get away from the sugar and find yourself some substance? Get back to what I told you in Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: get some standards and some requirements. A man can only act like a sugar daddy if you sign up for the program to be "sugared," I promise you. Trust me-I've seen it a million times. I've got plenty of friends who've played sugar daddy more times than they're willing to cop to. One of my boys had a fleet of gorgeous women he flew all around the country; he'd buy them things to keep them interested and have them coming and going as if he was running air traffic control at LAX. Arrival and departure times-that's all he cared about. I personally saw the doorman who controlled entry into his building high-five him one evening and say, "Sir, I'm enjoying your visits." He did nothing for those women-he didn't profess any love for them, he didn't take them to meet his family, there was no coming over to his house unannounced, and they weren't invited into his life to share it with him. He was just offering up sponsorship packages.
Then he met his match-a beautiful woman with her head on her shoulders who made clear to him that she wasn't about to sign up for the program. She made it very clear that she wasn't interested in how much he made or what he did for a living-she just wanted a man who would love her and be faithful. And she let him know, too, that she couldn't be bought-not with the typical things he used to get for the other women. Her purchase price was a mite higher: she told him how he was going to treat her, how he was going to deal with her, and how he was going to show his love to her. And he rose to the occasion. I swear to you, living with a woman like that is like living with corrections; whatever wrong mess you did before comes to a stop with her, and if you want to stay with her, you do what she wants you to do in order to keep her. She lets you know, too, that she's willing to walk away if you don't act right and quick.
That's the power you have in a true, valuable relationship. Convincing a man to give you things isn't power, I promise you that. When you sign up for a sugar daddy, all you're doing is delaying what is real-your true happiness-because a sugar daddy eventually goes away. The relationship is almost always temporary. Of course, some men are genuinely trying to help you, but plenty more are just playing and biding their time. The key to determining the difference is figuring out if you're getting what you need and really want. If you're taking the help but your relationship isn't going anywhere-he's not calling, he's consistently not showing up when he said he would, he's treating you like a throwback instead of a keeper (see the glossary)-then you're being used.
Now, I can't and I won't tell you not to accept gifts from a man; he might very well be the man of your dreams and he may want to give you something nice because that's what he wants to do for the woman with whom he can see himself. But please know he's giving you something because he wants something. Your job is to make clear what you want, and let him know that the true gift he can give-the one you're willing to accept with an open heart-is not material, it's true love. If he can't give that to you, then walk away.
Do you understand what I'm saying here? Walk. Away.
You've got to be willing to do this to get what you want. Don't be scared; if this man is giving you only the material things, but isn't being the kind of man you want, need, and deserve, leave him and open yourself up to someone better-the guy who is willing to do what it takes to keep you.