I swear, if I ever hear the intro for My little Pony again I'm going to scream so loud Vickey will hear me in the states.
Taya watches entirely too much TV but I don't worry too much about it because when she isn't watching tele she's running around like a headless chook and is as active as they come (well, bar those little ADHD kids.) One of her fave shows at the moment is My little Pony and her silly mother bought her THREE EPISODE PACKED DVD's for Christmas. Stoopid stoopid mummy!
Today she has watched all three because "outside is so boring I might die".
Little bit melodramatic wouldn't you say?
Each DVD has about 6 episodes on it and has the intro song at the beginning of each one. I hate it, it makes me cringe.
Nickala doesn't watch tele as a rule but if music comes on she stops dead wherever she is and bobs up and down until it's stopped. I can't help but laugh at almost everything she does because she's just too funny.
This morning I caught her pulling a presents bag over her head. She thought it was a great game especially as Taya kept egging her on.
She'd pull it up and cry "Doo!" (Boo). Both of my kids said Doo first instead of Boo.
(Photofuckit is taking so frigging long today!!!!)
This is what I've seen of Taya today. It's fuzzy because she is dancing her My little Pony whilst listening to the My little Pony intro..
God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to hide those flipping my little pony dvds whilst small children sleep.
I've just sent Taya off to her room for kicking my blinds again!! She then swore at Nickala and told me I'm a bad mummy for not letting her kick the blinds. If that makes me a bad mummy then let me be the first to say I'm the worst.