A lot of stuff to say + A year older than yesterday

May 22, 2012 21:02

I'm so sorry for updating so seldom here. I haven't had time or more likely, bothered to do half-thought entries. I'm most likely using this journal for my fandom spazz (public) and more private talks (friends only) in the future than I wrote to my other journal on tumblr here and there. (My fandom + miscellaneous stuff tumblr here.) I would have a lot talk now but I feel like not bothering as I have already talked about those in my tumblrs already.

A week ago though, I got confirmation e-mail that I was accepted to Kwansei Gakuin University's exchange program (\o/) and headed to ask offers for plane tickets and bought them last week as well. Yesterday, I went with zelda_88 to ask offers for extended travelers' insurances. I have to discuss with my father about those things before making the decision. I wish I'm ready with those next week.

Theeen! I'm now a year older than yesterday. Not a big thing really but I was happy to get a call from my youngest niece (+ brother) and she sang me "Happy Birthday" and asked how old I am now. When I told her, she said, "I wanna be 23 too." Aww, cute. <3

That's all. For this time.

irl, exchange study

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