A day in my room

Oct 17, 2009 23:23

Ah you would think that a day spent writing an 8 page paper would suck but it was actually quite wonderful.  I got out of playing with Rena for almost a whole day, and studying was interspersed with amazing food for every meal, lovingly prepared by my host dad.  We even had spaghetti for lunch!  My favorite!  I like to think they made it for me because I've told them more than once that spaghetti is my favorite food but who knows.  I also got to watch an episode and a half of Supernatural!!  It was amazing as usual.  Oh and to top it all off, my 8 page paper is almost done and its not due for another three days!  How cool is that?  =)  Anywho I'm feeling pretty good since I spent the day on the internet for the first time in a long time.  It just feels good.  And hey I actually have a chance to update!

Tomorrow I am going to Nara which I am excited about because Nara is famous for having wild deer wandering around everywhere and they come close enough for you to pet them!!!!  =D  Oh I saw a report the other day on the news about American emoticons and internet words like gr8.  They asked Japanese middle school kids if they could decipher them and they couldn't usually. I got a kick out of it.

I'm not looking forward to a writing test I have on Monday at 9am.  I have to write about my life in 50 minutes and its got to be written on special Japanese essay paper with boxes for all the characters.  Yes it has a name and yes I am too lazy to find out what that word is, even though I have a sneaking suspicion that the handout that is only inches away from me has the answer...  Point is, I have to have an essay test in Japanese!  *pouts*  I'm not particularly bad at writing (its probably better than my speaking) but I'm still nervous about it since my teacher is strict.  I'm trying not to sweat it or schoolwork in general.  Japan is hard enough without having to stress out about school.

Well, just wanted to get an update out there now that I have the time.  Oh also, I just discovered this DJ Smart mix for my Zune software that gives you a playlist of your music based on whatever song you pick first.  I picked a random Modest Mouse song and got Weezer, Kings of Leon, and Wilcon in return. <3 (this heart one was on the news too heehee)  Thanks for listening to my random thoughts!
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