Finales: Fear & Loving

Aug 02, 2010 05:54

So glad to have every volume in the domicile, ready to finish...

(may also stop by GR in Sawtelle on the 21st to see if O'Malley would sign our home copy of Vol.6!)

August is here at last, which means that the clock is officially ticking for my new gig hunt. As scary as I have given myself such a deadline in these tricky times, it feels as close to appropriate that it happened when it did. For all the initial talk of permanence, a part of me knew that this was little more than a temporary situation. It was made triply so by the market climate, along with how the whole job unfolded. As much as I would love to imagine how much better it would get, my realistic nature has never been too far from sight. Sure, school is in two weeks, and necessities are going to put me in the poor house right quick. But a part of me is sure that as long as I continue hunting at the current pace, even a simple part-time gig would suffice for now. Now while this at the offset sounds very counter-intuitive, it has been the manner of things  for almost two and a half years now.

And I'm kinda used to the rhythm already. And I'm not very good with waiting around to be unemployed. For one like myself, that's an unthinkable proposition.

Either way, something tells me as long as I remain on the present course, keep up the good word, and upkeep projects, something should work out in one corner or another.

Resilience and Patience. My two closest allies. 

writing, life, comics, job hunting, anime marketing

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