Another Fork Among Forks

Feb 03, 2010 18:38

Talked with the father today, and still wondering if I should expand on the website, and eventually start up a business online at some point or another. It's not like I'm any sort of expert on any of this, but it shouldn't hurt to try. The trick is to find a specific focus. As much as I like the site how it is, I really do feel a need to create an online portfolio separate from it, as well as a home for photography projects. I removed them from the site, as I was afraid that it was truly becoming far too cluttered to function there. As it stands, V. Zero is more a home for reviews, videos & news on music & art. Figured it'd be a nice base of operations. But other parts of me are thinking interactive novel site, a home for my anime crap that isn't affiliated with others. So many decisions, and I guess what I'm hoping to do eventually is to keep a sense of order within these projects in a way where a simple blog just wouldn't do.

or perhaps just create a separate blog for anime & cult film? A part of me has been considering this, as I've always found V.Zero to be more of a home for personal stuff, where the focus has been a little wobbly from the start. It'd be nice to start fresh, and have a blog that is merely about local events & my projects, where the other one will carry all the movie/anime news. Either way, a part of me feels like some organization is very much in order.

Then again, the site has garnered a reputation for juggling all of this at once, so...Argh..See what happens when you're me?

Also heavily considering a large post, giving some much required love to a certain composer who's sounds have provided a substantial spark of inspiration throughout that time...

More to come...

organization, blogs, thinking aloud,, decision making, websites

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