Year Of The Hard Reset

Oct 17, 2009 11:52

Having to juggle all of this is getting interesting. From assembling a thesis essay on Organic Food Safety with a group of three additional classmates, to formulating a horror anime-themed post for AD, alongside the seemingly neverending cycle of applying for work and the at- times ensuing interviews. It's a wonder how my roomie puts up with all of this. I know it does stress her out to a decent degree, but if I were in her shoes, I'd probably be panicking about now.

Dunno. On one end, I feel optimistic that something will come soon as interviews have increased sharply over this month, but the other part of me is aware of the competition out there. And I reaaly don't want to mess with my resume any more than I have. If I took a simple service-based gig now, it might prove problematic later when money is circulating again. I can't see myself doing anything simply retail after the season ends. It just isn't in me anymore. There's only so much emptiness I can shell out.

As for the other things going on in my life, I'm content with those as they definitely keep the mental atrophy away, and are fun in their own right. I love being swamped with things to do, and as such welcome it. Problem is that at almost 35, things start to take on a whole new dimension as the things you thought you wanted to do are confronted with the reality that what you want, and what is feasible are two completely separate entities.

I know I wish to keep writing, that is obvious. Tech work at a production house still sounds cool. Hell even doing online marketing for art,music,film is fine by me. But this waiting is pushing me into corners of thought I had yet to ever confront. In many ways, I guess one can say that it's been a humbling experience the likes of which I've never seen before.

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I think this cover encompasses a lot of how I feel at the moment.

Look forward to news!

thoughts, school, life, job hunting

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