Balance: Short Film

Sep 13, 2009 15:00

Before proceeding, I'd like to take this moment to thank a presence so often rendered invisible in my postings on this blog. Her unassuming charms and relentless candor has been something of an energizer for my recent endeavors and has done well to even get involved in many of my projects since V.Zero's inception. I must dedicate this newly completed work to her, as the ideas just clicked whilst on camera one warm afternoon. (in fact, the very moment of inspiration is immortalized in the very piece I'm about to present) A part of me felt that the moment of inception is vital, and seemed in keeping with a need to take the homebrewed film concept into an even more relatable realm.

What we have here is a more freeform concept than one may expect from us. Shot on very low-budget video (including my cell phone and Fuji A850 camera), and cut on iMovieHD. The principle drive being a rally call to arms. So many have the access, and yet so few are doing anything with it. It only felt right to draw first blood with the simplest of tools at hand.

So with that,'s to hopes of gathering steam. It was a lot of fun, and will hopefully be a sign of things to come.

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projects, music, reflection, homemade film, short films, v. zero, friends

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