Wafting Between Obsessions

Jul 17, 2009 20:43

As promised, here's a preview of my silly little post about the show that restored my faith in geek dramas...

Just checking in to let everyone know that I am definitely still very active these days. And in fact, as I type there are a few works being juggled about & evaluated by a trusted ally for a first collaborative project that we'll definitely be sharing online once everything is settled and squared away. What's been completed, I'm for the most part satisfied with. Believe me, as strange as it is, it's definitely something worth waiting for.

In the meantime, what is there to share other than what I've been watching as of late? Aside from my post-AX re-watching some classic anime TV series, I finally had the fortune to run across the latest series from Production IG & Kenji Kamiyama, Higashi No Eden (Eden Of The East).

In the last several years, it became something of a bewildering development in TV land. Despite rampant increase of reality tv, and shows of that ilk, another type of mutant form of prime-time drama began to creep up onto our major networks. Embracing esoteric ideas, unpredictable plot twists, and memorable characters, these shows embraced the cult-like masses whom had since loved shows such as The X Files, The Twilight Zone & others, and offered something akin to a live-action response to Japan's "edge anime" wave in the late 90s. Shows like LOST, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes and others were not merely low-overhead cult shows that used to grace our screens on syndicated rotation as in the past- They were big, almost feature film in scope, and infectious to a tee. If television in the 2000s will be remembered for anything, it'll be remembered as the time geek culture truly went mainstream. And with anime in some regards being responsible for this in no small way, it seemed only natural that Japan would have an ambitious response to these shows, and I find no problem in stating that Higashi No Eden is here, and fans of brainy genre storytelling will have much to rejoice about.

The rest can be found HERE

(as for other things, I had the most productive day in a horse's age today. So....much...scanning...And I'm still not done! Yes sir..keep em coming!)

production ig, tv, life, v.zero, kamiyama, reviews

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